Thursday, September 29, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

Power Outage of 2011

How was your routine changed on Thursday afternoon and evening?

Well for starters it took me about an hour and a half to get home from school. When I finally did, me and my family brought out our all purpose emergency supply kit. then we later brought out marshmallows and made s'mores.

What do you really need in terms of electricity?

In all honesty I really only needed some power to charge my phone and pump some gas.

Were you surprised by the reactions of those around you to the loss of electricity? How/Why/Why no?

Nah, not really I was kind of expecting people to freak out, heck I even expected a riot to break out sooner or later.

Plant Research

Sweet Peppers
Season: Mid Spring
Germination: Keep the seed bed evenly moist through germination. Takes 8- 14 days to germinate.
Days of Maturity till harvest: 65- 75
Plating Space: 12- 18"
Soil: fertile, well drained soil with ample calcium and phosphorous.
Water: moderately but constantly

Blue Bellflower
Season: Mid Summer
Germination: 10- 15 day; keep evenly moist.
Days of Maturity till harvest: not harvested
Plating Space: 1"
Soil: neutral to acid levels.
Water: Evenly water

Sweet Pea
Season: Mid Spring
Germination: 10- 15 days; soak seed in water for 12 to 24 hours.
Days of Maturity till harvest: not harvested
Plating Space: 2"
Soil: slight alkaline level
Water: regular watering, moist soil