Sunday, October 9, 2011

C&S Seeds

Based on this video, various articles, and information I find that while yes there may be some beneficial out come from this Doomsday food storage we must also face the facts that there are other things this money could go to. On a religious basis any person would find you insane. This is because they believe that there will be no world after doomsday so why bother, use the money to fix our economy. On as non-biased of a level as I can get I find while this would be beneficial to our future we should do this gradually and at a slow even pace, so that we don't blow off too much money.
"A seed bank that is trying to collect every type of plant in the world is now under threat from the global financial crisis." The seed bank director says. This points out clearly that we should minimize activity in the collection until the worlds economy can find its feet again.
"We would say that this is an exceptional bank and that the assets within it, the capital that we have built up, is unique and we can't squander this," says Smith. This is also agreeable in the sense that we do in fact have the only self sustaining seed bank with the largest amount of seeds along with the largest amount of plant species. This goes to show that while this is valuable and must not squandered, we must also not be focus so greatly on it as well. In all it should be a smaller focus in this great economic crisis.

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