Monday, October 3, 2011

My Garden Plot

Snow Peas
Season: Winter
Germination: Keep soil moist but avoid dampening or soaking.
Days of Maturity: 70 days
Planting Space: 2 to 3 inches between plants.
Soil: Well-drained soil high in organic matter is best; pH 5.5 to 6.8.
Water: Steady, even moisture especially when in bloom.

Red Lion Amaryllis
Season: Winter
Germination: Keep soil moist. Do not cool bulb, does not need it
Days of Maturity: 6-8 weeks
Planting Space: 2 inches.
Soil: Nothing special but if paranoid place all purpose bud fertilized in pot/soil.
Water: Make the soil moist any damper and the flower will drown.
Extra: when the flower begins to wither remove it by cutting it off behind the green lump.

Daikon Radishes
Season: Winter
Germination: Plant the seeds thinly at a depth of about ¾”. Thin out as they grow.
Days of Maturity: 2 or 3 months
Planting Space: 6"
Soil: asic fertilizer or last years fertilizer.
Water: water evenly, never let the soil dry out and reduce the watering amount as they reach maturity.

Seedlings progress of the Sweet pepper, sweet pea, and blue bell.
The sweet peas died out due to miss planting when they weren't close enough to the watered area. The peppers and blue bells are growing at an even rate and should be transplanted soon.
At the smallest for the detailed plants above I will need a plot of land 36" by 12" or more. But don't take this seriously I really suck at math.

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